Monday, October 8, 2007

Add emails to Corin

add other emails to Corin (from main page)

Track 02 & 03 Catherine Todd.mp3 IRS Studios 9-07


To Jim Goodin

I've attached the other two tracks; I can't remember what the difference is between track 2 and 3; # 3 was a practice piece the next day so I would end with SOMETHING more than 5 or 7 minutes to work with, after all that money!

Let me know your favorite parts. Corin told me it is standard procedure to pick out the best parts and work with those (he even showed me the paper files they kept with markings for measures etc. Looked just like when I would write database programs for my clients! Almost exactly the same, so I think I can do this).

I was wondering about how one chooses and uses "the best parts," as I have lots of really crummy recordings (on a $15.00 tape recorder from years past) with some really nice pieces that I wanted to pull together, and this might also help "bring the music back." The fancy parts that I can barely remember and my fingers hesitate for the first time in my life... since I have been "pianoless" for the first time in years! So this could be a really great thing.

Maybe you can add some guitar to these pieces? Feel free if you want to, and send me what you come up with.

Hope these go though and the Internet stays up. You are changing my life, and we haven't even met!
Thank you so much!


P.S. Whenever I would be playing somewhere, people would always come up and ask me "Was that a Windham Hill record playing? No - no - no, it "was just me." So I stayed away from performing ever since I quit the Gaslight in the Village so many years ago. Very quickly I found that performing was not for me, and I worked there as a waitress and manager... much happier "behind the scenes." But maybe that should change just not to be so timid about it. I don't want to have to think about Money and Music, but I shouldn't be so afraid of being in front of an audience. Everyone does love it. And now that you've given me this "stamp of approval" I just don't know what to say! Next step, please!

*** Traveling:

"A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead and dreams of a faraway place. A traveler on a plane sees the farmhouse and dreams of home." ~ Carl Burns

Words to live by: "Best of all is to preserve everything in a pure, still heart, and let there be for every pulse a thanksgiving, and for every breath a song." ~ Konrad von Gesner

"The world is made anew each day, for God makes it so. It contains within it all the good and all the evil as before; no more, no less, but the same." ~ Paraphrased from "The Crossing," by Cormac McCarthy

Catherine Todd
3007 Bent Tree Dr. Oxford NC 27565
H 919.693.0853 U.S. cell 919.605.0727

Track 01 Catherine Todd.mp3 IRS Studios 9-07

Track 01 Catherine Todd.mp3 IRS Studios 9-07
3 messages
Catherine Todd Mon, Oct 8, 2007 at 7:59 PM
To: Jim Goodin
Dear Jim,

Here's the first day almost 5 min. at IRS Studios. I realized that, except for an hour or two practice the day before, I had never played a "real " piano in about 2.5 years. The only thing I'd done was that electronic piece I sent you from March over a year ago. This has to change, and it will!

Let me know what you think; thanks for asking. I've been listening to your Celtic CD quite a bit lately. Really enjoy it.

Catherine Todd

Track 01 Catherine Todd.mp3
Jim Goodin Mon, Oct 8, 2007 at 8:24 PM
To: Catherine Todd
Catherine this is incredible. Sure I can hear the influence of so many particularly the haunt of Windham Hill, Winston and others is there but your feel plus I think the most interesting thing as I just now hear it a second time, is the sense of modulation or key change to my ears. This trakc is very spacial harmony with the openness I love and the ending last minute or so is really interesting harmony. If Will would happen to be interested which he always deny's I think for fear of the past haunting him, if he hears this I can't help but believe he will go ape over what you're doing. Of course in a sense it means nothing other than to know that you've attrated the time to listen of someone that touched us all that know him. I really mean that to both he and you as a very positive sentence. Anyhow feel free to share other trax as you want, this is really great. What are you doing near the end it sounds really open like 5th's but like tension of a cluster at times. I'm happy that I encouraged you to go there to record, will def'ly send Corin a note of praise on the recording. I alos need to be in touch with him as I felt that Daryl and I did a poor job on presenting our project as I've told you. Thanks re Celtic Journey, though it is a bit primitive to me now there is a certain presence in that record that still brings good response. Despite all my other recordings I haven't quite done one like that. Anyhow congrads on what sounds like a marvelous session Catherine.



[Quoted text hidden]
The Acoustic World Guitar of Jim Goodin -
MySpace (solo) -
Chinapainting -
Chinapainting on My Space -
The Jim Goodin label and home for 7 other creative souls -
Jim Goodin uses GHS Strings - and Seagull Guitars - , Jim Goodin is published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. -

Associates and friends on the web -
Daryl Shawn -
Adam Werner -
John Stowell -
Matt Richards -
Michael Manring -
Will Ackerman -
New Land Music -
Catherine Todd Mon, Oct 8, 2007 at 9:42 PM
To: Jim Goodin
Dear Jim,

Wow... thanks so much. I will have to re-read your wonderful email and digest all this. I am overwhelmed. In such a good way!

You are the only person I have sent the music too as yet. Note: I was never "influenced" by Windham Hill or anyone; I have played like this since I was 10 years old! Can you believe it? I remember sitting at the piano playing with tears streaming down my face, just as they do now (didn't at IRS thank God, but you get my drift...) My "signature piece" was playing "The Theme from Exodus" when I was ten (the first and last piece I ever learned to read music for) and I remember being in a piano store playing away in the far back of the store, and the owner coming back searching all over for "who was playing the piano." I thought I was in trouble, and it took a long time for him to believe it was me! But he said "continue, continue" just like people have always said all my life. But I am not a performer, as you can gather from my letters!

About the last part you liked so much (and thanks for the details in your email, more are always welcome): I have some pieces that are" really dis-harmonious" but are always "harmonious" at the same time, that I hope to have the courage to play the next time I go up there (in the Spring, I hope). I have somehow found a way to make "any key fit." Just like in Nature, no matter what is going on. It all comes down to "one note" anyway. Searching for that "perfect note" just like Clapton said. That perfect "moment" I reach at the altar of the piano... at least I used to, long long ago. I pray I can recreate the experience by somehow opening up my life once again to those "perfect spaces." It's been a LONG TIME.

I couldn't tell much difference between my playing and Dana Cunningham (name?) whose CD I was listening to while I was there, so that was encouraging.

The "special harmony" you speak of is something I really love, as well. I'm glad you do too. It was hard being so out of practice but the feeling was still there, which surprised me and it was "easy" since the room and the piano and microphones were all set up really nicely. It was so private and peaceful.

I'll try sending you the 15 min. session (unedited) from the next day. I don't know how in the world the first day (4 hours) ended up being just this less-than-five minute Track 01, but there you have it. At least what was captured is pretty nice.

More later? Hope so! Write all you want, send me some of your new stuff.

Note: “If Will would happen to be interested which he always deny's I think for fear of the past haunting him, if he hears this I can't help but believe he will go ape over what you're doing.”

That is so nice to hear... but thank God Will was on vacation in Italy when I got there or I would NEVER have had the courage to play! Maybe next time... Corin just said "there's some things worth recording here" so your letter has really bolstered my confidence!

I'll send the second piece "Track [02 &] 03" separately.

Thank you so much! Catherine Todd

P.S. I'm glad you wrote to Corin about not recording there; sounded good to me, and I'm sure he's OK with it all. Next time, maybe I can come up there around the same time. Would love to hear you in person.
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*** Traveling:

"A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead and dreams of a faraway place. A traveler on a plane sees the farmhouse and dreams of home." ~ Carl Burns

Words to live by: "Best of all is to preserve everything in a pure, still heart, and let there be for every pulse a thanksgiving, and for every breath a song." ~ Konrad von Gesner

"The world is made anew each day, for God makes it so. It contains within it all the good and all the evil as before; no more, no less, but the same." ~ Paraphrased from "The Crossing," by Cormac McCarthy

Catherine Todd
3007 Bent Tree Dr. Oxford NC 27565
H 919.693.0853 U.S. cell 919.605.0727

Catherine Todd's recording - Jim Goodin

Re: Catherine Todd's recording

fromCatherine Todd
10.8.07 details 9:19 pm

toJim Goodin

ccCorin Nelsen

Oct 8, 2007 9:19 PM

Re: Catherine Todd's recording

Dear Jim,

Thanks! I can't believe you said this: <<>>

Are you serious? Thanks!

I also can't believe I actually went there and did this, especially after being so out of practice. You have no idea how difficult it was, and how frightened I was going, and insecure I was feeling once I got there. But I somehow got through it; you would think I was playing to a crowd of thousands! Ridiculous... I have NEVER felt that nervous and just flat insecure about EVERYTHING ("there's nothing worth recording here, or paying $500.00 for! But don't chicken out now; finish what you started! Mine own drill Sergeant in my own mind). Now, of course I am so glad that I did it. Better late than never, that's my current motto... before it's all gone!

I finally started to "get a grip" when I told Corin that the recording wasn't worth the money, but the "recording seminar" definitely was, and I got a little something to take back with me. I have another 15 minute piece from the second day (unedited) which I am going to work with in GarageBand to see about layering, etc.

The most amazing thing is that the music "came" at all, and it did! I couldn't do the fancy trills and glissandos and all the rest for lack of practice, but that can be rectified as soon as I get some kind of small "real" piano to fit in this tiny little house I'm in now in NC, and my tiny little house in Panajachel, Guatemala, on Lake Atitlan. Plus Corin and I talked about my getting the newer M-Adio 17 lb. "weighted keys" keyboard that might make a difference compared to the dinky $99.00 I bought at the Apple store when I got my first laptop with GarageBand last year.

Where have I been all my life? What the heck have I been doing? Lots of things, but the last 20 years seem to have gone by like a blur... going to Vermont was definitely a new / earlier door opening in the right direction, and it's all due to you for recommending it and making it a possibility in my mind, and for Corin for opening that door and welcoming me in.

Shades of the Gaslight in NYC back in the late sixties - early seventies. It's all coming back to me now...

What a wonderful experience. I hope to go back in the Spring with more to do, now that I have a "musical map" and know a bit of how to go about all this mess.

Thanks to both of you... Your friend "in Art & Music," Catherine Todd

P.S. You are the first person I have sent this little piece to, so let me know if you think others would enjoy it. I haven't even had the nerve to send it to my friends yet. People always seem to when I sit down to play wherever I see a piano, but I could never really "hear" the music when I was playing, so I feel like a real novice in this area. Critique away! And thanks again to you both!

Corin did such a great job recording AND answering all my questions and letting me learn a bit about the whole actual recording business, and making me feel welcome and not like a pure flat out idiot! I can't imagine that I could have got through it without the mat he put out. What a nice person, just as you are! I got lucky two times...

On 10/8/07, Jim Goodin < > wrote:
Corin hey. Catherine just shared with me a track from her recent IRS session. Really really lovely capturing on your part as I would only expect. Her playing is new (equally as lovely as the sound) to me this being only the second thing I've ever heard from her but I had a good sense from our Web meeting that she would bring a good magic to IRS as so many have. Last time I was there there wasn't a piano yet so pleased that that is now part of the sound there, this one sounds wonderful. I don't know when I'll get back there. I'm still a bit disappointed that we didn't present the Chinapainting concept very clearly to you which really resulted in Daryl and I finding another room. In the end for the money that we had and the desire for the amount of time, the studio we used in Woodstock was really perfect and we've got a great record in the works. Still describing Daryl's technology needs was not presented right on my or our part and it was no wonder it sort of hit you like this may be a mess perhaps. Regardless the capturing of his analog machines was done in a separate room and the noise in the end wasn't really an issue. Hope you are well. Again Catherine's recording sounds really nice Corin.

The Acoustic World Guitar of Jim Goodin -
MySpace (solo) -
Chinapainting -
Chinapainting on My Space -
The Jim Goodin label and home for 7 other creative souls -
Jim Goodin uses GHS Strings - and Seagull Guitars -, Jim Goodin is published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. -

Associates and friends on the web -
Daryl Shawn -
Adam Werner -
John Stowell -
Matt Richards -
Michael Manring -
Will Ackerman -
New Land Music -

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

"Music to My Ears CT"

"The Best 5 Minutes..."
3 messages
Catherine Todd Tue, Oct 2, 2007 at 10:12 AM
To: Corin Nelsen
Dear Corin,

I'm back safe and sound in NC, and just wanted to say "THANKS" for one of the "best five minutes of my life" so far... and for the practice sessions and more...

I have listened a bit more to our sessions and can't believe my ears. What a difference a "real" piano in a "real" recording room, set up with "real" microphones can make... I have never heard the piano music that pours out in quite this way. Can't wait to get a new piano somehow and start practicing all over again... perhaps one "can't teach an old dog new tricks," but I don't really have to do that, as I CAN remember "how to ride a bicycle!":) smile!

I'm already going to look into how much it will cost to send a small piano to Guatemala, where I will have nothing to do but sit there and play. I might have to learn how to tune it, come to think of it, as with the dearth of pianos in that small country, there probably isn't anyone to do it for me. So I better think about finding a piano tuner's kit as well. In the meantime, I'll order the 17 lb. "weighted keys" M-Audio electronic keyboard and start practicing putting together the "puzzle pieces" of the recordings we made. What joy!

I had forgotten what this felt like.

And now I have a bit of a "road map" about how to organize all the bits and pieces of songs that have floated down my way... I even found a box of cassettes, rough and jumbled though they may be, that I can convert to mp3's and go through them and pick out the "gems and jewels" as we talked about.

Here, all along, I thought because I had to "mine for gold" this music wasn't really "worth much" since there was so much sediment and muck and mud that had to be removed. Finding out that often times everyone works very hard sometimes to find "the best worth keeping" has given me great heart and good cheer. What a reason to live! This is probably the best part about our session up there in your peaceful little corner of VT: finding out how to get started, how to go about it and how to make improvements and eventually put it all together in a "whole." What a wonderful road map in more ways than one! Exactly what I needed at this point in life. EXACTLY. I can hardly believe it.

I had a wonderful, quite and peaceful weekend up in my little room above the woodshop; can't wait to come back in the Spring.

I can't thank you enough for the recording AND the music recording lessons you imparted along the way. Money well-spent in ALL ways. Just a great experience staying up there, and I ended up being so happy that my place fell through in NYC so I was able to stay there for the weekend. Sometimes things DO work out for the best, don't they? And...

Inspiration is everything, sometimes, isn't it?

Say hi to the friendly carpenter out there... can't remember his name and neglected to get his email or phone so I can't thank him directly. We had a great conversation before I left that gave me even more courage that I needed, and gave me plenty to think about on the drive back to the city. Can you thank him for me?

I can't tell you what a difference this trip to VT has made. What luck and inspiration. See you in the Spring, I hope... with progress being made!

Hope you got the photos that I took of YOU, and I'll send some more of the studios later on. I'm still serious about looking for property around there, so keep your ears open for me. As soon as the remaining properties sell down here, maybe I will find myself between Vermont and Guatemala. Who would have "thunk it?" I am determined to find myself somewhere "creative" for sure. I've been living among tobacco fields for far too long.

Your friend "in art and music," Catherine Todd

*** Traveling:

"A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead and dreams of a faraway place. A traveler on a plane sees the farmhouse and dreams of home." ~ Carl Burns

Words to live by: "Best of all is to preserve everything in a pure, still heart, and let there be for every pulse a thanksgiving, and for every breath a song." ~ Konrad von Gesner

"The world is made anew each day, for God makes it so. It contains within it all the good and all the evil as before; no more, no less, but the same." ~ Paraphrased from "The Crossing," by Cormac McCarthy

Catherine Todd
3007 Bent Tree Dr. Oxford NC 27565
H 919.693.0853 U.S. cell 919.605.0727

Corin Nelsen Tue, Oct 2, 2007 at 10:22 AM
To: Catherine Todd
That's wonderful Catherine! I DO think this will give you a sense of
musical direction. I'm glad we could give you a little Vermont
Vacation that had the benefit of inspiration.

I wish you the best and am sure that this adventure is just
beginning. Thank you for your openness and willingness to learn.
That always puts a smile on my face.

[Quoted text hidden]

Catherine Todd Tue, Oct 2, 2007 at 10:50 AM
To: Corin Nelsen
Dear Corin,

Oh, so good to hear back so quickly! Everything in your email: true - true - true.

How did you like your photos? They weren't perfect, but a good start in the right direction. I'll take more next time so you can see what you look like (just like I could finally "hear what I sound like.") :) smile!

Be sure to say "hi" to the "jack of all trades" for me. Really nice fellow.

And what a pleasure meeting you; can't wait to be back again!

Yours, Catherine
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